downgrade ios 6
Apple released the iOS 6.1.3 firmware to the public just a few days ago fixing all the vulnerabilities and exploits used in the evasi0n 6.x untethered jailbreak. This has made downgrading iOS 6.1.3 to 6.1.2 firmware even more difficult for all the jailbreakers out there. Unfortunately, for the latest A5 devices even saving shsh blobs won't help, so there's no going back now. Hit the jump to read the whole downgrade tutorial with images for A4 devices below.

Supported devices  
  • iPhone 4 CDMA 
  • iPhone 4 GSM
  • iPhone 3GS 
  • iPod touch 4G

Before proceeding to downgrade, make sure you have your device's shsh blobs that you would have saved using tinyumbrella 6.12.00 otherwise you won't be able to do so. Also, sn0wbreeze  tool only supports Windows, so Mac OS X users can't downgrade at the moment. Now on to the tutorial...

How to downgrade iOS 6.1.3 to 6.1.2 

Step 1: Download latest version of sn0wbreeze here, extract the zip file and launch it. 

Step 2: Click the blue arrow on the right, select Browse for an ipsw and point it to iOS 6.1.2 firmware ipsw file. If you haven't downloaded it already, you can download it for your device here.  

Step 3: Select iFaith Mode and browse for the shsh blobs for iOS 6.1.2 firmware which are  saved on your computer and select them.   

ifaith mode

Step 4: Click on Build IPSW and sn0wbreeze will start building the custom firmware ipsw file at this stage. 

Step 5: Now you need to place your idevice in pwned DFU mode. Follow the instructions given below...

  • Press and hold the sleep/wake button for 3 seconds. 
  • While still holding sleep/wake button, press and hold home button for 10 seconds. 
  • Release sleep/wake button, continue holding the home button. After this your device's screen will go completely black, don't worry it's just a part of the process.
Now, ireb utility will patch the iboot. 

Note: If you see any other iTunes or restore logo on your screen, it means you are not in DFU mode yet and follow the above steps once again.  

For exiting this, just press home and sleep/wake button until the Apple logo is visible.

Step 6: Launch iTunes, while holding Shift key select Restore. Select the custom firmware ipsw file (its name will start with a long number like 0000389CC) you made in step 5 and let iTunes downgrade iOS 6.1.3 to 6.1.2.  

After this, your device will be successfully downgraded and run the iOS 6.1.2 firmware. If iTunes displays any error message, use ireb using the instructions given below. This process is fully tested by me and it works, just keep trying and it should work. Watch this video tutorial below...

After downgrading

evaasi0n jailbreak

After the downgrade process is over, your device will be already be jailbroken by sn0wbreeze tool 
and you will once again have access to Cydia and all the tweaks and jailbreak apps. But the main issue is it is tethered and you need to use evasi0n package from Cydia to make it untethered on iOS 6.1.2. Follow the steps listed below..

Step 1: Launch Cydia then 
click the Changes button at the bottom of the screen.

evasion untethered jailbreak

Step 2: Make sure evasi0n 6.0-6.1 Untether is check marked. Then click Upgrade > Confirm. 

weather app cydia fix

Step 3: Reboot your idevice and enjoy an untethered jb :).

Not working :(, do this   

If you are facing any kind of troubles or problems related to downgrading iOS 6.1.3 to 6.1.2, feel free to leave your response in the comments section below and our dedicated support team will solve your issue in a very short time. All the best! 

Fix iTunes Errors 

Step 1: Download ireb rc7 utility from here 

Step 2: Connect your idevice to the computer. 

Step 3: Start ireb tool and choose your idevice from the menu. 

ireb rc7

Step 4: Put your idevice in DFU mode as shown in step 5 above. 

Step 5: Continue with step 6 and you will not face any iTunes error :).

Update 1: Currently there is no working process to downgrade iOS 6.1.3 to 6.1.2 on iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad 2,3,4 , iPad mini, iPod touch 5G and other new bootrom devices. Until then just stay tuned to UJB. 

Update 2: The ireb tool has been added to fix errors related to iTunes (error 3194, 1600, 1604, 1611).  

Update 3: If your idevice is stuck on a black screen after this then your shsh blobs were either not saved properly (corrupt aptickets) or are incomplete. 

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