untethered ios 6 jailbreak
Everyone is eagerly waiting for an untethered iOS 6 jailbreak. iOS hacker and a famous developer pod2g has teamed up with planetbeing, another hacker to speed up the pending work for finding additional possible firmware exploits. This means we will get our hands on a cool new jailbreak pretty soon as untethered iOS 6.0.2 jailbreak is almost done. Below is the tweet from planetbeing.

Earlier, planetbeing was already working on an untethered iOS 6.0.2 jailbreak and some exploits are still in the works for a full fledged public release. Another hacker, p0sixninja has also found a bootrom exploit for all new A5+ bootrom idevices.

about release date... 

I have already sent a tweet to pod2g for an update and release date for an untethered iOS 6.0.2 jailbreak, just waiting for his reply now.  I believe the reason for this delay is the Dev Team  and other devs are waiting for the right time so as to preserve bootrom exploits for iOS 6.1 golden master: