How to Jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 on iPhone 4, 3GS and iPod Touch 4G Using redsn0w
January 16, 2013 9:21 AM
Posted by Unknown
Want to jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 on iPhone 4, 3GS and iPod Touch 4G ? I have made tutorial on how to jailbreak your iPhone 3GS on iOS 6.0.1 using redsn0w for Windows or Mac. redsn0w is updated to version 0.9.15b3 which jailbreaks iOS 6.0.1 on A4 idevices only and fixes glitches on the previous beta, This jailbreak is untethered for iPhone 3GS and tethered for iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G.
Important : Tethered jailbreak means you will need to connect your idevice to your computer each time you reboot :(. However, I would suggest you to keep your hands off of this jailbreak unless you really need it and want to keep your unlock and wait for an untethered one. The tutorial is same for both Mac and Windows.
Supported idevices
- iPhone 4 (tethered)
- iPhone 3GS (untethered old bootrom).
- iPod touch 4G (tethered).
- Download iOS 6.0.1 firmware for your idevice
Step 1 : Make a folder on your desktop and name it Pwnage. Download redsn0w 0.9.15b3 and 6.0.1 firmware above and place them in Pwnage folder you just created. Now, extract the redsn0w zip file to the Pwnage folder.
Step 2 : Now, you want to update to iOS 6.0.1. Open iTunes and select your idevice from the list of devices on the left. Now hold down Shift and click the Restore button.
Now go to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the 6.0.1 ipsw file. Click the Open button to continue.
iTunes will now update your idevice to the new iOS 6.0.1 firmware.
Step 3: Now open redsn0w.exe from the redsn0w folder.
Step 6: Now the tool will give you the instructions to get into DFU mode.
Step 7: After exploiting with limera1n exploit, redsn0w tool will prepare the jailbreak data.
Step 8: Select Cydia from the list of options and click Next.
Now your idevice will be rebooted again and redsn0w will upload kernel. After this, your jailbreak will be done successfullly..
From the redsn0w menu select Extras.
Click on Just boot and follow the instructions to put your idevice into DFU mode.
See the video below for further info...
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