The fruit company released iOS 7 Beta version only to registered developers, and that, too only on the iPhone, iPod touch and not the iPad. An iOS simulator comes bundled with XCode, Apple’s official iOS development kit. This simulator allows developers to test the update in XCode software. So if you really want to know how this update will look like on your tablet, check out the screenshots below. 

Notification Center



Maps app


Game Center
Control Center

These screenshots aren't from the actual device, instead they are from the emulator tool in Xcode. So, they give us an idea of how the new firmware looks like on an iPad. According to some trusted insiders, Apple is still developing the tablet version of its latest operating system to make it fully functional on the iPad. 

Also, Apple has formally announced at the WWDC 2013 that the public version of this firmware update will be released at the fall because Apple will definitely release new iPhone and other devices which will then ship with this new operating system.
How to get this running 

To activate the simulator, copy the following file: 

/Applications/ Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/ Applications/iPhone Resources/Devices/iPad (Retina).deviceinfo 


/Applications/ Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/ Library/PrivateFrameworks/SimulatorHost.framework/ Versions/A/Resources/Devices