Yesterday, we wrote a tutorial to jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 firmware with redsn0w tool on pre-A5 devices such as iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 4G. Now, ih8sn0w has updated sn0wbreeze jailbreak tool to version 2.9.14 which supports tethered jailbreak on iOS 6.1.3. This software works entirely like redsn0w but only for Windows at the moment and not Mac OS X. The veteran iOS hacker has also incorporated APTicket validation feature using iFaith in this new build. If redsn0w didn't work out for you, you can try sn0wbreeze for the same purpose easily.

Download sn0wbreeze v2.9.14 
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X (currently not supported)

Now, there are two options in front of you - either jailbreak your device using this version or downgrade your device from 6.1.3 back to 6.1.2, then jailbreak and install the evasi0n package from Cydia to make it untethered. 

Sn0wbreeze currently doesn’t include support for newer bootrom (A5, A5x, A6 and A6x) idevices such as the iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad mini and iPod touch 5G as they are short of a NAND backup. If you own such an idevice, its probably best to wait for an iOS 7 jb from a trusted source.

One of the main aspects of this tool is that it lets iPhone users to preserve the baseband version for keeping their unlock while upgrading to a newer firmware version. Other advanced features of this software include the root partition size customizations and pre-installation of Cydia tweaks.

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