samsung galaxy s4
Galaxy S4 was just unveiled by Samsung on Thursday evening in New York City. The Galaxy S4 smartphone boasts of a 5-inch AMOLED display, Exynos 5 octa core processor, 2GB RAM and 13 MP camera. It also includes whole new features such as smart scrolling, smart pause, s health, Airview and XNOX. Whenever Samsung releases a new handset, we, as always, compare it with the flagship smartphone by Apple- the iPhone 5. Hit the jump to watch the 'epic faceoff' video between the 2 beasts and leave your responses below.

In my view, iPhone 5 surely is a winner, the reason being its build quality, design and most important of all- the jailbreak store Cydia. Also, GS4 loses big time because of its mediocre rounded edge design which is same as in its predecessor Galaxy S3. I believe Samsung should have introduced a new design in this new handset to make it stand out.    

Who wins, you decide ?
What do you feel- is the Galaxy S4 way better than the iPhone 5 ? Will you switch to Galaxy S4 in the future and ditch Apple's devices ? Tell us you thoughts in the comments section below.