Everyone who has updated to the latest iOS 6.1 firmware is facing battery life drain issues. As we told you today, Microsoft Exchange bug has been causing this on certain idevices on which it was enabled, but it is difficult to point out a single distinct bug which is causing this problem as every user has different settings on his idevice. However, if you are experiencing iOS 6.1 battery life issues, read the simple fixes given below.  

How to fix iOS 6.1 battery life 

  • Solve Microsoft Exchange Issue: Microsoft Exchange servers have been causing some serious issues as the bug is an infinite loop which continuously tries to access the exchange server. To fix this problem, read this
  • Disable LTE: If you don't know, your idevice requires a lot of battery force to maintain its LTE connection. And if your signals change from LTE to 3G continuously then you surely need to disable LTE feature. 
  • Reset network settings: Launch Settings app, navigate to General tab, then  Reset and then tap the Reset Network Settings button. Remember, doing this will reset your network settings, all VPN,APN and other passwords also.
  • Turn Off Unused Features: Turning off and disabling features you don't need like bluetooth, wifi, location based iAds, push notifications will definitely give your battery life a much needed boost. 
  • Restore your idevice: If you are still having battery issues after trying the above fixes, try  restoring your idevice. 
Facing problems, tell us :)

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