ios 6 untethered jailbreak
We are officially covering evad3rs jailbreak updates, here are all the official behind the scenes going ons and awesomeness. The current state of the jailbreaking scene was pretty poor, it was on the verge of death because iOS kernel exploits guru Comex began working for Apple and many hackers like Geohot gave up, too, as Apple made it just too difficult for hack their ultra secure iOS. But the evad3rs team came to our rescue with their evasi0n jailbreak which could be released as soon as Sunday. Read more to find out how this evasi0n iOS 6 jailbreak untethered is made. 

Update : evasi0n jailbreak tool has been released, download it here

evad3rs behind the scenes

Who are the evad3rs ?

pod2g with pimskeks and planetbeing
Left to right :Nikias Bassen,David Wang and Cyril Cattiaux

evad3rs hacking team consists of 4 members : Pimskeks, Planetbeing, Pod2g and Musclenerd who all are very famous and prominent ios hackers in the current hacking scene. Here are their brief bios...


  • Name : Unknown. 
  • Whereabouts : Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Work : Expert ios jailbreak and unlock hacker. 
  • Currently : A member and the frontman of iPhone dev team.
  • Worked On : Redsn0w, pwnagetool, ultrasn0w iPhone unlock
  • Name : Yiduo David Wang. 
  • Whereabouts : Portland, Oregon. 
  • Work : Jailbreak developer and iOS hacker. 
  • Currently : A member of the iPhone dev team, Dream Team . 
  • Worked On : Signal, Bootneuter, Linux for iPhone, went to Hack in the Box 2012  (HITB) exhibition in Amsterdam,  Absinthe for iOS 5.1.1. 
  • Name : Cyril Cattiaux
  • Whereabouts : France
  • Work : iOS hacker. 
  • Currently : Member of the evad3rs dev team
  • Worked On : Corna and Absinthe for iOS 5.0.1, went to Hack in the Box 2012 (HITB) exhibition in Amsterdam, former member of the Chronic dev team

  • Name : Nikias Bassen
  • Whereabouts : Germany
  • Work : Information security researcher 
  • Currently  : A member of the evad3rs dev team, Dream Team. 
  • Worked On :  Cydia tweaks like Safari Uploader Enabler, Any Attach. Also developed Greenpois0n and Absinthe jailbreaks, went to Hack in the Box 2012 (HITB) exhibition.

evasi0n jailbreak's development in progress 

behind the scenes

How the evasi0n jailbreak is being developed  

1. Disabling hardware Security

Apple's System on a chip (SoC)

For the evasi0n iOS 6 jailbreak untethered, evad3rs first hacked the security measures of the  SoC (system on a chip) which is a small integrated circuit (chip) consisting of electronic components like transistors, resistors, etc.  This is required to insert unsigned code (not authorised by Apple) into the bootrom (boot read only memory), it is the code that is executed firstly when you switch on your idevice. This piece of code disables the idevice’s security features. 

2. Exploiting the iOS kernel  

iOS kernel hacking in process

What's a kernel : A kernel is the main part of an operating system which acts as an interface between the user applications and hardware. evad3rs gained access to the in built kernel debugger and found out security flaw to gain root access. 

iboot level exploit : An iboot exploit allows full iboot level access. This exploit can easily be patched by Apple in a future firmware update. This is currently not being used.

Hardware level exploits : This exploit is used to fire up evasi0n (untethered) every time your idevice is switched on. This requires Apple to update its hardware to break this exploit. This is used currently used in this tool.

3. Developing the GUI

redsn0w's GUI

Planetbeing aka David Wang is the key member of the evad3rs working on building the GUI (graphical user interface) of the evasi0n jailbreak tool. It makes the tool easy to use with easy navigation buttons and other stuff like proper menu based navigation. 

4. Private beta testing 

Private beta testing in progress

evasi0n jailbreak is currently under the private beta testing stage. Its main purpose is to make fix the software with potential crashes and errors for the non-techie and newbie users. These beta testers are selected by the evad3rs dev team and their information is not revealed to the general public.

Popular Tweets

Here's a collection of all the popular tweets from the hacking team...

For Official updates, follow only : @evad3rs (Official) , @naufid0mino

Links to help you out

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