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Owing to Saurik's stats, evasi0n iOS 6 untethered jailbreak has undoubtedly been the most popular jailbreak ever in the history of jailbreaking, being used by over 7 million people within just a few days of its release and the numbers are increasing at rapid speeds even now. If you don't know, this jailbreak has been developed by the evad3rs dev team comprising of iOS hackers pod2g, planetbeing, pimskeks and Musclenerd.   

evad3rs team
Here's a tweet regarding this from the evad3rs official Twitter handle....

The evasi0n jailbreak works perfectly fine uptil iOS 6.1.2 fimware as of now. But somehow Apple has once again flexed its muscles as it has already beta tested a fix to patch all security vulnerabilities in its next iOS release. The evad3rs dev team core member David Wang aka planetbeing has recieved official confirmation regarding the patching of evasi0n's security exploits in the next update that will obviously be the iOS 6.1.3

If you haven't already jailbroken your idevice using evasi0n yet, check out our tutorials for both Mac OS X and Windows