iOS 6 Jailbreak Untethered By "evad3rs" Coming Soon

ios 6 jailbreak untethered
iOS 6 jailbreak untethered just came a bit closer to a public release as eminent hackers pod2g, musclenerd, pimskeks and planetbeing have formed a new hacking team called evad3rs confirmed by a tweet from pod2g. The real good news is that it seems they have a fully working hacks and exploits in place and are just waiting for Apple to release iOS 6.1 for all idevices to the public. This is being done to protect all the vulnerabilities, which will be patched as always by Apple when 6.1 is released.

evad3rs ios 6 jailbreak

Only a couple days ago planetbeing tweetedthe future of Jailbreaking is looking bright"From the tweet below by pod2g are very close to finishing the jailbreak for a public release.
ios 6 jailbreak untethered
This tweet gives us surefire evidence that the iOS 6 jailbreak untethered will definitely be released by the evad3rs within a few weeks as they are waiting for Apple to release the final build of iOS 6.1 to the public. I have a strong gut feeling that this new hacking crew will definitely get the work done for the entire jailbreak community which is desperately waiting for an iOS 6 untethered jailbreak.
ios 6 jailbreak untethered release date
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